Wednesday, 22 April 2015

What's On Your Workdesk, Wednesdday?? my opinion!Hi and welcome again to my desk showing for WOYWW week 307. If you'd like to know more please pop of to our hostess Julias blog and read all about and while you there why not join in the fun.
So here is my desk this afternoon in Townsville Australia...yep not at home again - lucky there is room in the car to bring a crate of stamping stuff with me to fill in the hours when I'm not gardening or visiting our gorgeous GD Sophie; I'm grinning 'cause I got to baby sit this morning.
Anyway here is my desk/dining room table at our house (where our son lives). Just finishing off a couple of cards I started on the weekend. You can see my guillotine at the back, box of the essentials and far right box of Distress Inks. In the middle left some backgrounds I made with sprays and new stencils, then a couple of stamped images and pile of completed cards and tag. On my workpad a card I'm just finishing. Now I'd best get this posted as son will be home soon and we are cooking up Chicken Laksa for dinner over at the daughters home. 
Cheers and thanks to everyone who dropped by my desk last week Robyn


  1. It looks like you've been having lots of crafty fun there Robyn. Have a great week.
    Annie x #17

  2. It's good to see that you're well prepared wherever you go. Happy WOYWW! #26

  3. enjoy visiting your family so nice that you can take bits with you to play too
    thanks for sharing
    happy woyww have a great week
    Mrs. C.x #2

  4. Sounds like the ideal break to me! Family, food, crafty time and babysitting - enjoy!! Chrisx 34

  5. A great idea to bring along some artsy craftsy supplies when you travel :) We are going for a week up to the mountians starting Saturday..and I need to remember to do that for sure. The DH wants to 'fish'. Sounds like I would rather sketch and watercolor in my journal while he does that! Shel@PaperOctilloStudio #54

  6. I always take some crafty stuff with me when I travel even if I'm only going out for the day (yes I'm sad, I know it Lol!) Have a great woyww and happy crafting, Angela x

  7. What a great idea taking your craft stuff away with you - I love the crocus stamp on the front of the card - very pretty. Enjoy the rest of the time with your family,
    Diana #31

  8. Hope you're having a great time - it sure sounds like it! thanks for stopping by already. Helen #5

  9. I'm taking some craft stuff with me on holiday (in two days' time). The dificulty is choosing what to bring....
    I love your backgrounds. They look great. And your cards + tag are beautiful too.
    Have a great week,

  10. It must be a sign of creative people. I always carry a journal in my bag so I can draw whenever I feel the need and you take heaps with you too. Sounds like you are having a great time away.
    Have a great week,
    Von #9

  11. Chicken Laksa?? Slurp, sounds lush...can I come to dinner too please? :-)
    Now you're going to think I'm completely crazy....many do already.....but I love using the guillotine for trimming stuff. If I had to trim and mount the kids' artwork at school, I was a happy bunny. Simple yet satisfying!
    Hugs, LLJ 13 xx

  12. Oh yum. Sounds good to me too, esp. when someone else cooks it. Looks like you are having a great time babysitting and mobile crafting. Enjoy!

    Happy day after WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (3)

  13. Ah well done on crafting whilst away, not sure I would be that keen but the don't usually travel by car either :)
    Lovely work on your cards too, enjoy your grandees too, Shaz in Oz.x #63

  14. I suspect that just a crate full (!) makes you very imaginative and resourceful, so I bet you're enjo.ying the bits of craft between baby sitting. grinning for you!! Like the rained on house mouse images, and the cherish life card you have on your desk. Pretties!

  15. That's a beautiful card laying there, Robyn! You do really well with your mobile crafting supplies! I'm so happy for you that you are getting time with precious Sophie! Blessings!! Darnell


Thank you for taking the time to comment, all encouragement and inspiration is very welcome. May your day be a happy and extra special one, cheers Robyn