Hi I've been absent from blogging for a few weeks, but I'm back to share some happiness with Annie.
So this week firstly we're all smiling as we had 3+ hours of rain on Wednesday evening - our area is officially now in drought and living with level 2 water restrictions -so the good soaking was a wonderful relief.
Next hubby and I have been busy trying to sort our stuff downstairs and now that my kitchen cupboards are complete we were able to bring up 4 boxes of my gear.... now that might seems ok but our son has a kitchen full of stuff so I've spent today trying to sort 2 kitchens into 1. It doesn't look much different now - messy, but the keeping stuff fits in the cupboards.... a garage sale is on the books.
Now of course I have to include some happy snaps of the grandkids...
here's Mia (5 weeks) - all smiles
and Nanna and Pa with the girls in their Christmas outfits lining up to have Christmas photos at the local shopping center.
Now here's my chuckle... this is a zucchini from our new vege garden - yes it's round..... the laugh is that hubby bought home seedlings and they've done really well but to our amazement the fruit is round and we thought we had a malfunction - he was certainly baffled. Well another visit to the store proved that yes he had picked up a punnet of a new variety.
Thanks for stopping by and if you've some happy thoughts to share please do over at
Annies blog.