Friday, 15 January 2016

Friday Smiles

here we post the happy events and people that have made our week special...
want to join in then, pop over to Annies blog and link up.
  Not too much happened with us this week as it's been too hot to venture out
Here's gd Sophie dancing - she loves music and now can be heard singing to herself as she plays. Loves wearing her pretty dresses might recognize this one from Frozen.
 And here is special little miss Mia with Nanna - so tired and just needing a Nanny hug before she went down for her nap... she sleeps on her tummy
Hope you've had a wonderful week with lots to smiles about

Share a smile...


  1. Sophie is going to be a dancer when she grows up if she keeps that up. That photo of her shows how graceful she is. Never saw Frozen, but I'm sure others can relate.

    HMMM. Now I KNOW I've been away a long time. Mia is about the age Sophie was the last time I actively visited your blog. Have a super Friday and weekend, Robyn. And stay cool, too. I'd gladly send snow and cold winds if you like!

  2. Little Mia is just adorable but I have to say Sophie won my heart today in her little Frozen dress dancing. Aren't we blessed Robyn?
    Annie x
    ps I see you've snapped a normal evening in my life in the last pic lol

  3. I'm chuckling at the evening in poster, looks like our house apart from the fact that we have our own settees.
    I'm oohing and aahing over the little ones antics, they are gorgeous
    Lynn x

  4. Awww your little grandees are looking adorable. I want a Frozen party dress but they don't go up past about aged 8. Though Hubby says that matches my age....that I act!!!!
    Little Mia looks so serious. But as I have learnt this week, sleep is serious business.

  5. I reckon you might have a ballerina on your hands there:)

    Love the little frilly knickers Mia had on.

    Hope you have a fab Friday. Sue

  6. Aww... what is it about one's grandies! Two little darlins here.

  7. They are two very dear little girls. I don't know much about Frozen but Sophie looks a very happy little soul and so sweet in her dress. Barbxx

  8. Your little granddaughters are adorable! What a blessing!
    I giggled at the picture of the 'mature' couple's exciting evening!

  9. Very cute both granddaughters Robyn, lovely joy to ones heart :) , not posting today but wanted to say hi. Hugs Shaz in Oz.x

  10. Lovely photos of the grandees again. I love to see them react to music, and Sophie is obviously enjoying her dance. Kate x

  11. They are both gorgeous little girls. Your weather is obviously a bit different to ours! However we did get sunshine too. Many thanks for the visit to mine and big hugs, Angela x

  12. Both little ones are adorable. Sophie looks so pretty in her Frozen dress and quite the little dancer. Both my babies slept on their tummy too. It's a lot cooler here - we've just had our second snowfall of winter. Elizabeth xx


Thank you for taking the time to comment, all encouragement and inspiration is very welcome. May your day be a happy and extra special one, cheers Robyn