Wednesday, 12 March 2025

Using Die Cuts this week .....

This week with Darnell's IDEAS prompt it's Die week --- so today I'm sharing three cards featuring die cuts, First this Christmas one was so easy to make, with this large die from a magazine... more time poking out all those little dots than making the card... used a background from my stash and as I was watercolouring my floral cards with Twinkling H2Os, I gave the bells a light blue wash.

My next two cards of course feature flowers... and my fav daisy dies.... watercoloured with Twinkling H2Os (those forgotten items one has) and finished them without sentiments so they can be used for any occasion.

I'm joining in the challenge at Christmas Kickstart #96 - Not the Norm - so no red, green and gold

More time for cards this week as I finished my latest rug - Mandala Blanket 

Thanks for stopping by my blog
have a Wonderful day
cheers Robyn

1 comment:

  1. Those daisy dies are among my favourites too Robyn and yours are just stunning! The watercolouring is fabulous, making them pop right off the page! Thanks so much for sharing your card with us at Just Add Ink.


Thank you for taking the time to comment, all encouragement and inspiration is very welcome. May your day be a happy and extra special one, cheers Robyn