Good afterrrrrooooon world... well that's sort of what Robin Williams said in the movie...what a shock and a wonderful actor sadly missed. Here's my room when I opened the door this morning "Happy
WOYWW #272 - could hardly get in the door - this photo doesn't look that messy at all but it was. Yesterday I was on a mission to finish the shelf unit just there in the front right....photos following.

Here's a close up of the desk...before I jumped to the shelf I was making that little gift box on the work pad with the directions on my laptop, just a few final bits before I post it. There's yesterday coffee cup too and on the left my plastic worksheet and the glue and sponge I used on the shelf unit.
Now here's the shelf unit a few weeks ago as I started to scrap off the plastic woodgrain finish - it's just old chipboard underneath but I figured what the heck the kids left it and it was water affected but I had a plan....to kinda match it with the colourful drawers on my desk.
Finally I finished scraping and got it painted on Sunday. Hubby made me a new top and put a strip of molding around the top.

And yesterday I glued on some 12x12 scrapbook sheets that I picked up for 50 cents each. Not to worry that the front was much bigger than 12 inches so I offset the pages and maybe I'll add some chipboard letters or something and some knobs.
If you're a visitor and wondering why I'd want to post a messy desk on my blog please pop over to
Julias Stamping Ground and read all about it...then join in and show us your workspace. Thanks to everyone who visited and left comments last week, now I'm off the visit some other desk snoopers now, so have a wonderful week, and thanks for taking a peek