Time is a dimension and measure in which events can be ordered from the past through the present into the future... Some simple, relatively uncontroversial definitions of time include "time is what clocks measure" ...... taken from Wikipedia.
So I wanted to catch you eye first so I posted this beautiful ornate tall clock.
This is a very old Louis XV balance-wheel clock which still works. I took the photo on our trip to France in 2008 in the Chateau de Cheverney - wonderfully back then the timepieces displayed the time, the day and the date and the phases of the moon....now all we seem to see are digital numbers which honestly I don't like, I'd much rather see a clock face...how about you?
Clocks have been features in many cities and towns I've visited - on important buildings like town halls and post offices and churches.
The Old Town Hall at Newburgh, Scotland with it clock now an arts studio called The Steeple.
Big Ben - one of London's famous landmarks...the clock is part of the Elizabeth Tower attached to Palace of Westminster or Houses of Parliament.

St Pauls Cathedral London, the clock in the southwest tower of which the mechanism as made in 1893.

While sorting through my photos I came across this sign at the front of the church in Braemar where the Queen of England worships on her visits to Scotland....so signs give us times of availability

And that started me thinking that TIME is not just what a clock on the wall or a watch on the arm or nowdays all means of digital clocks attached to anything electronic (No Photos) OR calendars displaying endless days and months and years
....it's much more ... it's all about...LIFE, sun and moon, day and night
It made me think of the passing of time....
This is a photo of my daughter as a new baby with four generations of mums
Jacalyn 1985
Robyn 1953
Joan 1930
Isabella 1898
And here we are again with four generations of mums as we see my daughter with her new new baby girl Sophie 2013.
Do you have any thoughts on TIME...
why not join in and share a photo at
Our Beautiful World or pop over and see what take the other team members thought off for this theme.
Thanks for taking a peek Robyn